Subject: Yeah, as an archivist, this one vexes me.
Posted on: 2022-04-04 18:16:48 UTC

It IS interesting that the Department of Multiple Offenses was originally conceived as the "floaters" department with the water-lily flash patch and taking on various types of assignments and all, but it's not surprising that this fic was forgotten, allowing Nenya and Rosie's later DMO (dish-and-spoon flash patch) to become the "official" one. There are just too many little things off about NytBloomer's piece. Crisis Response Center; portal key; Offense Detector; Observation Zone? What are those things? I'm not sure if it was part of her effort not to compete with other PPCers or if she simply wasn't paying attention to TOS, but either way, this just doesn't feel much like a PPC story.

And it makes the history of the Department of Floaters and the DMO tricky to document, too. >.>


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