Subject: Okay, I did the opening of my first mission with the same chain.
Posted on: 2022-08-08 19:39:46 UTC

Here's the original text:

There is a sound that traditionally comes at the beginning of every PPC mission. While one of the most annoying, hated, violence-provoking sounds in the multiverse, it is also one of the most thrilling, because everyone who has heard it knows that what follows will be an Adventure: the protagonists, with the barest sense of what’s happening to them, will be faced with breath-taking scenery, unspeakable horror, and the epic struggle between Good and Evil in which they will eventually triumph.


This was not that sound.

And here's what I got at the end of the chain:

Every PPC project usually has steps at the beginning. It's one of the angriest, hateful, and cruelest voices in the multiverse, but it's also the funniest because everyone who hears it knows what happens next. They faced Beautiful Eyes in an epic battle between good and evil, became fearless and won.


not the sound

That's... surprisingly sensible, even though a lot went missing (including punctuation and caps in the last line). I like the bit about facing Beautiful Eyes; clearly that's an ironic euphemism for Suvians with their hideous color-changing "orbs". {X D

I think the "Context?" bit is possibly an error on Google Translate's part. Additional text first showed up there in the translation from Arabic to Luganda, went away between Luganda and Sudanese, then came back between Sudanese and Twi and stuck around. The funny thing is, if I run the Luganda line back into English, the "context?" bit goes away, but not if I run it back to English from any of the other languages I've checked. It's weird. I went ahead and submitted feedback about it to Google.


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