Subject: Plortitics is a land divided.
Posted on: 2022-08-22 13:18:07 UTC

Of course. It always is. But this time, it's deliberate.

The removal of Plortitical civilisation from the surface of the planet, first to the low orbitals and then by stages to the asteroid habitats, has generally been hailed as a good thing. Space has its dangers, but as the Brass and Mage Wars showed, the greatest danger is always other people. Putting multiple light-minutes between potential enemies has prevented conflicts both large and small.

But sometimes, the urge to resolve disputes by what has come to be called Practical Diplomacy is too great. By the most binding of treaties, the peoples of the Plortitical system do not attack one another's habitats directly - rather, they send their forces down to the planet they once called home, and maneuver against each other in the recovering mountains of Plortitics.

From: 15th Huinesoronic Expeditionary Air-Fleet To: Huinesoron High Command, Asteroid 7219 Dafyddillian

Supreme General, we beg leave to report that we have made groundfall on Plortitics. We touched down west of the Fabled River as planned, but encountered scouts of a nearby Neshomeh landing. As we have not received instructions regarding their support for the Great Regulation, we proceeded with all haste to a more defensible position. We have taken a peak of the central mountains as our base; though it is arid, it is free of rad contamination, and we believe we will be able to hold it against any hostile forces.

Contact with the Regulation's satellite network has been intermittent since groundfall, but we have received reports of a Linstar splashdown in the northern ocean. Despite their ostensible support for the "Let-It-Bes", Linstar have traditionally focussed more on spreading their religious creed, so we would not normally be concerned by their presence; however, one report has them congregating far east of their splashdown site, in the rad-haunted basin of the War-Queen's Sea. If there is any possibility of their recovering mage- or brass-tech from ancient times, we urge an immediate preventative strike upon their position.

Buckle up, gang, we're doing modern warfare.

A quick introduction: a Boarder's marker on the map is positioned and decorated according to their PolitiScales results, and only those results. The value used is the centre of the "neither" percentage on each bar - so if a specific bar read 67% - 23% - 10%, the value would be 78.5% (sometimes I've reversed the bars from the results page). Note that the X and Y axes are linear (hence the huge gap at the top - there is a lot of "Conservative" space nobody in the PPC falls in), while all other values have been calibrated to spread our expected results across the spectrum. If these turn out to be wildly off, I will adjust them later.

As ever, X and Y are the Capitalist-Communist and Conservative-Progressive axes. Height (always a difficult one) is assigned to the Rehabilitation-Punitive axis. The environment around a camp is from the Ecology score; the use of radiation is a hold-over from last time round.

The little people, planes or whatever represent what tech the army brought with them; it's based on Constructivism, on the tenuous justification that "people can reinvent themselves" extends to "people can invent other stuff". Whether the people are shooting, shielding, or surrendering comes from the Revolutionary score - revolutionaries love shooting lasers, right?

Finally, there is the allegiance, shown in the colour of the flagpole. The two sides in this particular conflict are the Great Regulation and the "Let-It-Bes", or Regulation vs. Laissez-faire; it's entirely possible to be in between the two, playing both sides to greater or lesser extent. I've also used Internationalism as how strongly the armies support their position - an intense colour means they're a full member of the alliance, while faded pastel is "I guess they're better".

Finally, since the Political Compass is out as well this year, I've plotted Political Compass scores as the landing point for the armies. We have no idea how well the two compasses correlate, so maybe this will help us find out. Some people may only have a landing site (presumably they either crashed, or went into hiding and haven't been detected since); others may not have a landing site recorded at all (we just found them out there).

All of which will be completely pointless if nobody else takes the quizzes, but eh. ^_~


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