Subject: Map 4: More landings
Posted on: 2022-08-26 12:00:05 UTC

FROM: Fabled River guardpost (Huinesoronic)

TO: Ground Command, Huinesoronic forces


A scouting element attached to this post was performing a patrol circuit of the GMA camp, in accordance with our alliance therewith. In the foothills west of the GMA camp, they discovered clear signs of a landing site. Evidence suggests that this is the groundfall locality for the doctorlit forces, prior to their removal to their peak. I have instructed the scouts to return and investigate further, in case any useful data can be obtained.

At the same time, this post observed unidentified combatants moving in force across the mouth of the Fabled River. By careful observation and shadowing, I was able to identify them as the Legion of Thoth, who as you know are more sympathetic to the "Let-it-Bes" than to the Great Regulation. My observations showed that they are operating at a lower tech level and readiness state than ourselves, and indicate that they were moving towards the former archeological site of the Central City.

As the Legion may be expected to align with the doctorlit and with the Linstars and their allies to the east, this post recommends an immediate strike against them to preclude any possibility of ground command being surrounded. I await your orders.

Little buggies for Thoth, and more of the belligerent characters representing Huinesoron on the ground. It's interesting how much the tightly-clustered Political Compass results spread out in the PolitiScales version.


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