Subject: Actually, I believe money is more or less fake.
Posted on: 2022-08-25 00:14:45 UTC

I'll leave it to someone better equipped than I am to explain how the value of the dollar has been determined since we got rid of the gold standard, but it boils down to "it depends" and "because we said so." But, that's not really relevant.

I'm not saying I think the government should take Bezos' money and use it to write checks to everyone else so they can spend it as they please.

I am saying that I believe everyone who's born into this world though no choice of their own (and sometimes no choice of their mother's, either) deserves quality health care, fact-based education, unrestricted access to information, safe housing, safe drinking water, food security, a planet to live on that isn't being rapidly driven to ecological crisis by unregulated industry pouring carbon and other waste into the environment, and other such universal human rights.

I'm also saying I believe the only way to ensure that every person in every state gets equal access to those things is for them to be provided by the federal government, i.e. socialism.

But in the absence of that, the only way for an individual to get those things is cash in hand, so, sure. Until we make a better way, I do believe that every person born into this world through no choice of their own deserves enough money to afford a decent quality of life, and I'd accept it in the form of checks from Bezos, Musk, etc. I don't care about making them not be selfish people anymore—that's between them and whatever higher power they believe in—but since they clearly are too selfish to give it up willingly, then yes, for the sake of basic human dignity, I believe it should be lawfully taken from them and provided to those who need it to improve their quality of life.


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