Subject: The government uses the money to do work.
Posted on: 2022-08-24 07:53:37 UTC

That's basically half the point of a government: they do the things that society as a whole needs, but which no individual will/can do. Like maintaining roads, or the likes of education, health, etc. (Yes, and the military.)

In English history, you find a lot of taxes being levied for specific reasons - a war, a castle, I suppose theoretically a road but the English kings never seem to have cared much about roads. They raised money by basically picking something and taxing it - maybe it's wool sales this time, or maybe the number of windows on your house. At various times they just taxed everyone the same amount, which I think we can all agree is much, much worse for the poor than the rich. (The widow's mite comes to mind.)

Given that my government is an omnishambles right now, I totally agree that "the government knows best" is a dicey proposition, but... what's the alternative? It would be lovely for everyone to just come together and fund currently publically-funded things out of the goodness of their hearts, but with Jeff Bezos sitting here with $150,000,000,000, 10+ houses and a superyacht, I think we can count that out. (Even if we couldn't, when rich people build things, they see them as theirs; there's a long history in the UK of toll roads which you have to pay to use so that the man who built it can turn a profit. I don't think "being able to leave your house" should be based on your income, myself.)

But if people won't use their money for good voluntarily, and you don't want the government taking it with the force of law behind them... what? You wind up advocating for everyone to hold all their possessions in common and use them by direct democracy, which is a beautiful form of primitive socialism that doesn't work either.

Someone - internet says Churchill - said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried." As far as I can see, that applies to taxation as well.


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