Subject: Responsey responses.
Posted on: 2022-08-25 21:02:05 UTC

Wealthy people in California have money in offshore accounts or in other states in order to lower the amount of income tax they have to pay, while still living in California because of the lower property tax rate. They drive on California's roads, send their kids to California's public schools (public school funding depends on property taxes, so richer postcodes get better funding), and use California's already abysmal water supply during a drought to water their lawns and fill their swimming pools. They drain the state's resources, and still do not want to pay taxes.

So...wealthy people, when there are higher taxes on them, avoid the taxes.

As to “Republican administrations increase the debt;” yes, yes, they do. I don’t like that.

And, as your article on the Biden administration notes, it will be paid for in 15 years. That is, if the tax increases remain for 15 years. Taxes could just be lowered again. Regardless, I don’t think it’s responsible to spend money before you have the money, on a national or personal scale.

As for the Nordic taxation rate—as your article points out, those countries’ main difference in tax policy is their higher taxation of the middle class, not über-high taxes on the über-wealthy.


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