Subject: Responses:
Posted on: 2022-08-24 23:41:16 UTC

Um, okay? I don't think I get the point.

Wealthy people in California have money in offshore accounts or in other states in order to lower the amount of income tax they have to pay, while still living in California because of the lower property tax rate. They drive on California's roads, send their kids to California's public schools (public school funding depends on property taxes, so richer postcodes get better funding), and use California's already abysmal water supply during a drought to water their lawns and fill their swimming pools. They drain the state's resources, and still do not want to pay taxes.

Even if that is strictly true, emailing still literally something. Not necessarily something that makes sense with pay level, but nevertheless.

So you agree with me that he's getting overpaid to send emails.

Euh...but hasn't that been said every election? And what about the multitrillion debt? Would high taxes on billionaires resolve that?

Per your own article: The U.S. national debt is so big because Congress continues both deficit spending and tax cuts. Tax cuts on the wealthy cause us to have less money. Deficit spending functions under the idea that you put money into a project in order to get jobs -- see FDR's Works Project Administration.

Additionally Republican presidents have been known to worsen the deficit. Biden's plan will be fully paid for in 15 years through his tax increases. So yes. Taxes on billionaires will solve it.

Um, well, one of those articles was specifically from India, so I don't see how the US government can do much about that.

Amazon is a multinational entity, so whatever is being reported on in India is behaviour across the board. Also:

Amazon has been repeatedly accused in the United States of copying product designs. In 2018, home-goods retailer Williams-Sonoma Inc filed a federal lawsuit against Amazon, accusing the e-commerce giant of copying its proprietary designs for chairs, lamps and other products for an Amazon private brand called Rivet.

Okay, I'm curious--what exactly would your ideal solutions to all those problems be?

Taxation at the same rate as in Nordic countries, less military spending, more spending on infrastructure, healthcare, and education would be a good start.