Subject: Hello all!
Posted on: 2022-09-03 15:04:14 UTC

I guess I didn't hit that s button hard enough. Oh well.

I forgot my old creds to get in, so I made a new accounr. Hope y'all don't mind.

The PPC is an interesting setting. I personally ship Matt with O'Ryan. Who cares if Kitryauthor thinks otherwise! Paye is clearly in love with Crow!

I'll have to find time to write, but I will write one story hehehehehehe!



((Cringes at my intro. Hey y'all, I'm back for the games. Sorry for not being super active on the Board. College + some things I've vented about in the salt channel over there = limited time. But, I'm working on being better! First step: Badfic Games, at least.))

((Character-wise, feel free to use any of my agents except for Kittyauthor and David Null. The former because it's always been like that and she is a little too close to past!me (personality-wise) for me to be comfy with her being used in these games, the latter for personal reasons. Everyone else is fair game.))

((-kA, who is trying to juggle college, chaos, and a cowrite and failing.))

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