Subject: Hello, folks.
Posted on: 2022-09-06 00:42:37 UTC

Righto, I'm back. I wasn't originally going to participate in this, but it turns out Louie (my younger sib for those not in the know) liked the piece we wrote for last year enough that he wanted me to make another one this year. I don't get much time for writing these days, but hey. Twenty dollars is twenty dollars.

I'll try to get a piece up. Eventually. Maybe. Again, time constraints and all. I'll try not to disappoint.


((A little late, but I guess I'm here. In a funny little parallel between my badfic persona's older sibling and my actual self, I haven't got much time to write recently. I do have something buried in my pile of work-in-process Google Docs, so I might try pulling one of those back up if all else fails.))

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