Subject: [You're... actually not the first person to ask that.]
Posted on: 2022-09-08 19:10:31 UTC

The truth is, I have an habit of trying to type very quickly with just my indexes, which means that sometimes I end up overlapping keystrokes that pass from one finger to the other. I use my right index to hit the "I" and the "N", but the left to hit the "G". It's particularly bad with "going" as I start with a left index stroke, then three right, and last one left on the same key as the first, but it happens on other words as well - case in point, I had to go back and correct "stroke" as I actually wrote "storke", again at a "finger switch".

Years of writing stories and going through Windows Messenger, MSN Messenger, Skype and Discord led me to try to type as quickly as possible, but I never bothered to actually learn proper typing so that's the result XD If it wasn't for Doctorlit, many of those typos would also leak into my published stuff, as I'm not really a very attentive re-reader.

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