Subject: Wow. Just. What.
Posted on: 2022-10-14 23:17:04 UTC

Honestly it sounds like she's turned into the wizarding version of HAL-9000 hahahaha

Yeah, the trolley witch isn't going to go postal on anyone in this rewrite :P

Hahahahahaha Draco picking his party to go seduce Harry to the Pureblood Cult convince Harry to be his friend. Thanks, that's this rewrite's canon now.

Yeah, they think Crookshanks had met Peter before, so that's why he has such a grudge against Scabbers. And kneazles can live for a long time, so that's how he was in the Magical Menagerie for so long.

Right? My other thought was to use "majestically", but "majestick alley" looks like an innuendo hahahahah.

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