Subject: I, too, wish I had a cat to pet!
Posted on: 2022-10-24 19:59:21 UTC

Unfortunately the community cat I feed hates being petted. :P

I don't think Harry suspected Sev of wanting to hurt him. He's just relaying Hermione's suspicions, since Sev's the one openly chanting while the real culprit was doing it nonverbally. Which is why he drops it, because he doesn't actually believe she did it.

By faking Lily and Harry's deaths, Sev's open act of defiance against Gaunt does make her more closely aligned with Harry (or, more precisely, Lily). But since this Harry has more than one parent figure/mentor, the secrets sort of... get diffused amongst them? If there is a very big secret that Sev would rather die first than admit to Harry, though, it's probably her ongoing feelings for Lily. :P Even if everyone else saw it the moment she helped Lily escape.

Similarly, the Dumbledorian lines get diffused out, too. I feel like fandom gives Dumbledore way too much credit for his hand in orchestrating Harry's years at Hogwarts in canon; in this one Harry's just some guy whose mum is the bigger target for Gaunt's ire. So he's not the only one Harry can turn to for nuggets of wisdom!

And thank you for the compliment! The deeper I get into this, the more I feel like it's not just skewering the fanon AU but also some of the worse parts of the canon. I want to bring out more of the original sentiment of fighting against bigotry! It's very clearly needed in Purityworld :P

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