Subject: That was *good*.
Posted on: 2022-11-07 09:50:12 UTC

There's always something cathartic in a character like Harry, who has no family left and no friends before Hogwarts in canon, have a proper Christmas with friends and at least some family!

Ron amazed at Muggle stuff was fun, and I really like where you're goign with havign Harry have two Muggle friends, a boy and a girl like his wizarding friends. Compare, contrast, they're all people anyway. Clever.

Of course, the little bits of Pureblood traditions that made it in still put me on edge, but it was done neatly. Lily mentions them off-handedly when it makes sense, and not only they're chilling for what they are, but it's also chilling how the definitely more progressive than the norm Lily thinks that they are normal! Perfect use of Mubggle-backgroudn Harry here, he's just as confused as we are.

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