Subject: Ooh boy.
Posted on: 2022-10-18 18:48:43 UTC

You made a wonderful job at describing an absolutely disgusting world - you managed to make Professor Greengrass' first lesson a much creepier version than Snape's one. (I kinda like this Snape- Sorry, Severina though. I think she encompasses perfectly what Snape would've been to the Potter family if Lily survived in canon)

The dressing style of the wizardry nobility, though, looked nothing short of ridicolous to me. But tha'ts alright, it got a chuckle out of me, and it really drove the point across just like the rest. In just a few chapters, you managed to paint a great image of how medieval a Pureblood AU is - cringey when badfic, truly horrifying when done well in the gritty detaiils (of which there haven't been much yet, but your implying work was great).

I'm intrigued on how yo plan to use your Agents though, and the idea of a "deep undercover mission to destabilise the Pureblood Culture AU genre" really got me interested. Definitely following this.

Oh, and if Jenny, Jacques and Liu need backup they're free to ask around. A certain retired couple and a certain whimsical DoSAT techie would love to help. Well, more like one of the three would really enjoy putting down stuck-up Pureblood supremacists with very muggle, very non-magical lead.

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