Subject: Thank you!
Posted on: 2022-11-03 23:22:11 UTC

Glad to hear you're reading it -- no pressure to comment always, of course. But I do appreciate them!

Hermione being friends with two boys will definitely come back to bite her, but she wouldn't be Hermione if she's gonna let that stop her from being friends with Harry and Ron!

Yes, Umbridge is going to be quite the piece of work in year 5 :P

What fics don't seem to get about Ron (mostly thanks to the films dumbing him down) is that he's the one who has practical experience of growing up in the Wizarding world, compared to Hermione who only knows things from books. So yeah, of course he'd get to know stuff and do things! Especially here, where he offers insights into what Purityworld is like for normal wizards and witches, aka people who aren't as deep into the Mother Magic culty stuff as, say, Malfoy. Also, I just love making Ron react to Muggle things, which you'll get to see next chapter.

I've been posting scenes on a Dreamwidth anonmeme and then updating the chapter on AO3 once I get to the last scene of each chapter. So the next chapter should be up in a couple days, depending on how quickly the anonmeme moves to a new post. So if you want to keep abreast of the AO3 chapter update, you can follow it on fail_fandomanon. Here's the latest scene, for example.

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