Subject: Thanks for reading!
Posted on: 2022-10-19 12:17:13 UTC

In terms of modern politics, the Purebloods' obsession with making more magic babies has some real-world parallels. The Pureblood Culture obsession with girls' chastity has a direct real-world parallel. And Hermione's pressure to become the model minority "New Blood" rather than be relegated to the subjugated minority "Mudblood" parallels the model minority myth because... it does. When you try to assimilate into a group that otherwise hates your kind, you police yourself for any deviation from the norm because if the group finds out you're deviant, they will throw you back in with the subjugated minority. I know this because I've lived it, watching the perceptions of Chinese-Americans fall from rich studious nerds to plague rats. I did not speak Chinese for most of 2020 because of that.

You don't have to think too much about this and simply just read the fic for what it is -- a rewrite of the Potter books that takes a popular fanon worldbuilding to logical extremes, but I did put in the research into how to make this world work, and I like it when Doc uncovers the research :P

There's also a Muggle Studies class, but you're right, it's very inaccurate! Jacques frequently got into fights with the professor when he took the subject.

~Lily, who is Not Angry, just trying to explain!

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