Subject: Also, responding more directly instead of just riffing on ideas...
Posted on: 2023-01-21 18:57:11 UTC

The Powers still had to grant wizardry to the Motherboard's children, even sans-Oath, right? As powerful as Dairine was at that time, she couldn't have forced them to do that if they hadn't wanted to.

I think a Yeerk who hasn't been granted wizardry by the Powers would have the same problem comprehending wizardry as any non-wizard, even when they're made aware of it. I think Nita and/or Dairine show their dad some things (spells? Nita's Manual? Spot?), but to him the written Speech just looks like a very pretty script he can't read. He knows magic exists, but even when he sees it happening right in front of him, his brain still tries to look the other way. If he weren't exposed to it all the time, I think he would forget that it's real, just as a wizard who has their magic revoked forgets it ever existed—except, perhaps, as a fun game they used to play when they were younger and happier.

Having direct access to the brain of a wizard may allow a Yeerk to comprehend magic via their perceptions, but supposing the wizard stops being one, and no longer recognizes that magic is a real thing, I reckon the Yeerk is left high and dry. Even if they still remember it's real (and I doubt they would), they never had the ability to command magic on their own, only via their wizard host. If the former-wizard host can't do it anymore, the non-wizard Yeerk certainly can't.

Overshadowing is a thing, though—because, I think, the Powers will never interfere with a person's free will or the consequences thereof. That's why wizardry is given out so sparingly, because the risk of offering it to just anyone who might then go over to the Lone One is too great.

So yeah, I still think a Yeerk's best bet is to talk the wizard into allowing what the Yeerk wants. Threaten their family, convince them it's for the greater good, maybe just let the wizard talk themself into it with "live to fight another day" reasoning. They'll make it up to everyone when they get free. They promise...
