Subject: Could it be... Neshomeh posting a mission?! (DMS, Harry Potter x Phantom of the Opera)
Posted on: 2021-04-24 19:31:23 UTC

Yes! Yes, it is! It's been "nearly finished" for literal years, but here it is, at last! {= D

"The Phantomess of the Opera and the Half-Blood Prince" featuring Derik and Gall (also on AO3)

Summary: In which Faust is referenced a lot, but a devil’s powers are borrowed anyway.
Continua: Harry Potter x The Phantom of the Opera (Leroux, Kay, Webber, and Yeston-Kopit).
Rating: PG-13/T - Innuendo and violence.
Betas: Thoth and Tomash.

There's a bit of an Easter egg for anyone who remembers the 2018 Halloween RP. Let me know if you catch it. {= D


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