Subject: I finally figured out what I want to say
Posted on: 2021-05-06 18:59:18 UTC

I just have a list of thoughts in no particular order:

  • I like reading about Gall getting excited for things and snarking at the badfic.
  • The hyperlinks turning into broken images for the Sue's clothes instead of actual clothes is hilarious.
  • I like how the mission reads like a story than an MST.
  • I think Derik getting haunted by Erik was foreshadowed well. Also reading about Derik and Erik was interesting.
  • I like how you summarized the not-so-noteable parts of the badfic so that the mission doesn't drag on longer than it needs to.
  • Gall and Derik ranking the costumes the characters wore at the party is amusing.
  • I like the resolution. Gall got a bunch of loot including a violin for Derik after a mission!
  • I wonder if it would be funnier if the cape's embroidered words turned out to be "something in French" or the French word for "something"
  • The scene where the Frog Choir mimed the YouTube audio gives me a funny mental image.
  • The Sue was super pretentious throughout the fic.
  • I love this line: "Gall greeted her dragon, told him he was a good boy, and promised to buy him a special treat with the proceeds from her Halloween-costume haul."

Overall, I enjoyed the mission!

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