Subject: I am also good!
Posted on: 2021-05-07 21:57:33 UTC

Wow, Next Gen PPC for real... That is incredible, congratulations! =D Says a lot about you that you wouldn't start off on The Hobbit, but I respect that, I do.

Well, I spent my time getting knowledgeable about weird things? Studied a whole bunch, a little bit of language, a Bachelor's in archaeology. Then got almost entirely through a Masters in Librarian and Information Science (pretty close to assassin, really) before I got really into Escape Rooms while working at it part-time, so that is what I do now. I host and quite often design escape rooms. =D I am a very nice Game Master. Like, I don't torture people hardly ever. I still write, and recently I started to put up stuff on Ao3 that had just been sitting around on my computer not doing anything for a few years because I didn't feel like posting them on the Pit.

I will admit, if no one of the Old Guard had still been here I probably wouldn't have stopped by. Very different thing to re-introduce myself to people that didn't know me before, though I'm sure everyone is lovely! I am super curious about the new people, though, kind of want to know the demographic... Back when I signed up I was fifteen and that was like... fairly average for a newbie, I guess? And the older people (like Miss Cam) were in their early twenties and Very Cool Adults that I aspired to become. (Mission Accomplished. I am now Very Cool.) How many PPCers do we even have these days? Are there numbers? slams hands on desk Damn it, I want numbers!

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