Subject: For your amusement: Imagine a PPC high school AU.
Posted on: 2014-08-05 19:54:00 UTC

Well, we've had all sorts of other AUs, so why not? *g* Here's what I'm thinking:

It's your typical American high school (because that's what I'm familiar with). All the department heads are teachers or staff. All the agents are students. If they're not teenage-modern-Earth-humans, imagine what they'd be like if they were teenage-modern-Earth-humans. Nothing crazy or supernatural is going on; it's just a normal high school. Imagine what your characters would be like if they weren't PPC agents, badfic characters, aliens, time-travelers, etc. How would their personalities be the same? How would they be different? If necessary, how would you translate their backstory to make it fit the real world? Would they still have a relationship with their partner, or would they have no real reason to know each other at all if they weren't forced together? Who's an honor student, a delinquent, a weirdo, a jock, a band geek, a bully, a popular kid, etc.?

As for the Flowers, the SO is obviously the principal. Tungsten Monk suggested he'd have a bright yellow afro when I ran the idea by her. *g* I think the Marquis translates easily into a harried enrollment officer, a bit of a chump with his outdated sense of style. The Head of Operations (I forget who it is now) would probably be a vice-principal. I figure the Kudzu is the school counselor (I see her as a black lady from the South, heavy in a comfy-looking way) while Dr. Freedenberg teaches psychology; meanwhile, Dr. Fitzgerald is the school nurse. Hornbeam probably teaches shop. As for the rest... discuss! What do they look like? Who teaches the maths, sciences, social studies, history, English classes, languages, band, orchestra, choir, art, gym, sports, etc.? Feel free to TekTek it up!

I think this would be an awesome role-play, especially a long-term one, but unfortunately, I can't commit to running something like that. Instead, consider this a character-building exercise and see what ideas you come up with for your agents and favorite Flowers—and if you want to make an RP of it or write stories, too, sweet! {= )

~Neshomeh, who'll be back later with stuff for her characters.

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