Subject: Don't really have time to write anything out at the moment.
Posted on: 2014-08-06 07:13:00 UTC

But my current, slap-dash take on my characters would be:

Doc would probably be a lot like I was in grade school, very few friends, the ones he does have are nerdy. I'm not sure if he would be into tabletop RPs, or just be a books-only guy like his PPC self. Definitely studious to the point of roboticness, not really knowing how to disengage from being busy to do anything else.

Vania would be the type to try being friendly with everyone, with mixed results. Others would start noticing strange patterns in her behavior, and she would start noticing lapses in her own memory. Eventually, she would start getting treatment for multiple personality disorder.

I guess Séverine and Yoof would be lunchladiespersons, unpopular with the kids for Sév's attitude and Yoof's large amount of body hair, too much to be contained by mere hairnets.

Molly and Ollie (name changes not yet finalized) will be Freshmen. Molly will be into drawing, for sure; I'm thinking an interest in astronomy for Ollie, which might develop into physics later on. This is a lot more circumspect, since I haven't had a chance to really write them yet.

Fr'sst will be a mean stray cat living somewhere on campus, secretly fed by a lot of students. (And maybe some of the staff?)

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