Subject: A few of my favorites
Posted on: 2014-08-06 19:31:00 UTC

Barid (Barry Dawes, Sophomore) is a lanky kid in the class clown tradition. He usually wears obnoxious Hawaiian shirts. One never knows what his next bout of shenanigans will look like. Food fight in the Cafeteria? Handstands in the halls? No, today it looks like he's drawing on himself with a Sharpie. He's got a solid C- average, and that is good enough for him.

Brightbeard (Ed Brightbart, Junior) is stocky and serious. He went to Military school for a while. Shortly after transferring to this new school he broke up a schoolyard fight involving Barry. Now he can't get rid of him. Ed spends a lot of time working on projects in the shop. He is also a member of the after school Interfaith Alliance.

Decima (Natalie Thompson [use that name at your own peril], Junior) is anti-social and stand-offish. She insists on being called Decima. She wears a lot of black, and has more earrings than some consider appropriate (we'll not even talk about her other piercings). Combat boots and super-short hair are her norm. She has a fascination with the occult and considers herself to be a Wiccan. Despite her dark, tough exterior she has a thing for cheerleaders.

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