Subject: Well, then.
Posted on: 2014-08-06 09:23:00 UTC

Obviously, Prof. Mallorn teaches Geography. He's short (obviously) and has a tendency to dye his hair - mostly gold and green, depending on the season. ;) He also has to be white - and I mean really pale white. Y'know, like almost... silver?

Dafydd Illian is Britain's revenge for all those obnoxious American students at Hogwarts. He's Welsh, a descendant of the Princes of Gwynedd (though that covers a lot of people; he's not a Hidden Heir to the Throne or anything), and incredibly disdainful about... well, everything American. He's also in the school choir. Unfortunately (for him), his lovely Welsh accent, delicate features, and hair that's only just within the length requirements - or, if they don't have those, is just plain long - combine with his attitude to make him a prime target for bullies. The girls all think he's cute, though.

The bullying isn't based on anything from actual Dafydd - it's just the logical conclusion from 'arrogant, standoffish, pretty boy'. He has a plot arc where he learns to actually interact with other people, such as...

Selene is half-Chinese (and has the Chinese version of Windflower, which I believe was Fung Ying, as her middle name). She's... oh, let's go for hilarious irony and make her a Jehovah's Witness (ie, forbidden from taking blood - Sel's normally a vampire, so yeah). But a shy one who's mostly in it because her parents are. She tried the missionary approach when she was just starting school, and the bullies still think it's hilarious to make jokes about it. She sits at the front of most classes, because she's genuinely interested in everything - and also because there's more empty spaces there, so she doesn't have to talk to anyone.

Some time in the second season, Dafydd and Selene end up with a Chemistry project together. The... rather enthusiastic result gets them nicknamed 'the Pyros', and gives the pair of them a brief breather from the bullying (Dafydd manages to threaten to set the bullies on fire without ever quite threatening to do so). It also draws the attention of...

Constance Sims. Average American teenager. Wears really thick glasses. Her dad's a moderately-successful author, and... well, basically she's Constance! She's not popular, but she does have friends, and isn't usually bullied. She thinks Dafydd's accent is adorable, and of course they have a relationship-building subplot going on.

Most of my main agents basically slot straight in. Kayleigh can keep on being Kayleigh (and scaring the life out of everyone), Narto can keep on being socially awkward and picked-on... Lou's not there, because Lou is always Lou, and getting her to not talk back to me would be an exercise in futility.


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