Subject: The Science Department (again).
Posted on: 2014-08-07 11:55:00 UTC

Biology: 'Queen' Anne Lace, Mr. Ginkgo, Dr. Thistle, Ms. Gladys Olus (sort of; she's mostly Sex Ed)

Chemisty: Dr. Thistle (again; organic), 'Prof' Sequoia ('the hippy'; probably organic again), Prof. Echinacea (inorganic, since she's probably HQ's source of bleeprin these days - and while aspirin is organic, bleach isn't).
[I realise they probably wouldn't actually specialise at high-school level, but they can still have specialities; they'd come out in things like classroom decor, favourite demonstrations, etc]

Physics: Rio Annual, 'Prof' Sequoia (again), 'Auntie' G. Apple (who may be related to Sam Apple, the remarkably androgynous student... in fact, no-one is quite sure whether 'Auntie' is male or female, either!). We have a clear bias towards theoretical/quantum-type physics here; one wonders whether Mr. Hornbeam gets dragged in to do the electronics side of things. Or maybe Sharon Rose? Yes, that seems more likely. She also runs the A/V club (naturally).

Other 'sciences': sociology under Dr. Geranium, psychology under Dr. Freedenberg.

And a couple of others I don't think we've mentioned yet...

The janitor is apparently 'Onion' Grass, at least according to Google's cache of the Wiki (potential relative of the student Gaspard? You decide). And - I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet - but Mr. 'Uncommon' Comma, Prof. Barbosa, and 'Grammer' are, of course, the heart of the English department.

Oh, and the Librarian is a reclusive chap named Xander who's rarely at his desk, instead delegating to student volunteers.


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