Subject: Have we regressed to this point?
Posted on: 2014-08-07 04:11:00 UTC

Nah, just kidding. This is awesome.

Gaspard: Legend has it that there is this half-Chinese freshman guy that "haunts" the school. Outside of classroom hours most people only catch fleeting glimpses of him before he melts into the crowd. He's been seen hanging out just about everywhere: in the library, outside on the football field, in the Cafeteria lineup, around various clubs or organization meet-ups and so on. Those that manage to talk to him find him almost completely unremarkable: his grades are average, he suffers from mild acne, he doesn't participate in any sports or activities, he has a virtually nonexistent social life, and his after-school life consists solely of eating, doing homework, and sleeping. However-- and this is a big however-- Gaspard knows everything about the goings-on at PPC High. Everything. He knows who belongs to which club, who bullied who, who is going to get in trouble for bullying, and who is dating who. No secret is safe from him... but that doesn't matter. Nobody goes out of their way to find him anyways. Nobody except...

Angus: an overweight senior who recently broke up with his girlfriend. Unlike Gaspard, Angus is very visible. In fact, he's known as the all-around Genuinely Nice Guy of his year. He's earned the reputation through countless small acts of kindness: need a pencil? Angus has got you covered. Missing a dime to pay for that granola bar? He'll give you one and won't constantly harass you to repay him. Can't figure out a math problem? He'll walk you though it. Nobody has seen Angus get upset about anything; the senior seems unfazed by even the most stressful situations. This doesn't hold true when it comes to comments about his weight, though. Fortunately, this has never been an issue for Angus. I mean, who would go around and mess with such a helpful guy? That's like kicking a puppy.

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