Subject: ... well, that's the next Community AU sorted.
Posted on: 2021-05-10 11:01:51 UTC

"PPC New Caledonia Memorial University has always been regarded as a bit odd - and not just because it's thousands of miles from New Caledonia, which isn't noticably in need of memorialising, and nobody knows what 'PPC' is meant to stand for. Perhaps it's due to their insistence on hiring only floral-named lecturers, or their... eclectic selection of courses, or the way the chemistry and engineering departments seem to be competing over who can burn down the most frequently.

"But even in a university whose campus nightclub is aptly named Discordia (at least /this/ week), and whose cafeteria is both legendary bad and weirdly popular... the residents of the conjoined Jay and Acacia dorm buildings (known with passive aggressive affection as 'the Board') stand out as even odder than the norm.

"To quote one student of Sue block, who wished to remain anonymous: 'Don't try and understand their dorm numbers, don't ask them what they're reading, don't let them invite you to their "Shipfest" or "Badfic Games", and for the love of Twilight, /don't turn your back on them/!'"


I already have strong opinions about "Huine Soron" (not the name on his driving license) and his repeated attempts to get the university to let him start a Pyro Club. "I know I say this a lot, " he tells his girlfriend Kaitlyn as he runs out of the last workshop of the day, "but /this/ time they're /sure/ to listen...!"


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