Subject: Absolutely!
Posted on: 2021-05-12 19:12:44 UTC

I was gonna ask for volunteers when it was done, but I'm glad I already have one! =D It's in the LotR-verse, a Tenth Walker 'Sue. (Absolute classic!) And my knowledge is a little rusty, and I was never an expert in the fandom in the first place, it is a whole lot of fandom, after all. But I would very much appreciate help with the PPC stuff. It has been a while. The Wiki is being very helpful, though! I certainly appreciate that it exists! I'll ping you somewhere when the mission is finished, writing it up will be somewhat of an undertaking... The synopsis just passed 5000 words. XD But I tend to write a lot of the dialogue early.

(And yes, oh my god, look at this monster thread! I am in shock; I've never set a trend before in my life! Every time I look I see another familiar name, and am catapulted back in time. It is just incredible.)

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