Subject: Should never have doubted you!
Posted on: 2021-05-10 13:28:06 UTC

Those are some goooood numbers. I like "Seriously Ancientbies", even if parts of me that is in denial about that whole passage of time thing is vehemently protesting it, because surely there are those older than I? I can't be that senior, can I? Because I recall being in such awe of a lot of people here that were like... staples of the community and thinking I could never aspire to be that. But yeah... that is how time works.

It is nice that there is a presence, and that we still get new people! The warm welcome was just incredible too. And even if the initial high of nostalgia wears off and I decide to mostly lurk, I shall at least be in good company.

(This nostalgia itch will never be fully scratched, btw. It is such an easy wormhole to fall into! All these names just keep smacking me in the face with their familiarity, and I hope they're all doing okay.)

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