Subject: Awesome!
Posted on: 2021-05-12 19:44:21 UTC

Feel free to ping me on Discord, and if you like Gdocs for the beta process (I do), my email is neshomeh (dot) soul (at) gmail (dot) com

I'm not the biggest Tolkien expert around, but it should be fine if it's mostly LotR and doesn't get too much into obscure points of lore or Elvish languages. If it does, though, we can ask hS, who is the biggest expert. But I wouldn't expect much of that from a classic Tenth Walker. ^_^

I fear no wordcount; my latest mission is nearly 18k, according to AO3, and that's on the long side but not unusual for me. Not to mention my current beta project, which I will have to make sure to finish before I start a new one.

(It is so incredible! I think hS has been spreading the word. And as of today, I am, too, just to see how far we can boost the signal!)


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