Subject: 8 - JEN
Posted on: 2023-02-02 06:18:57 UTC

Einia led the way, running at full speed, with Grimwolf following close behind. I trailed at the back.

I had no idea where we were headed--some sort of shelter, perhaps. I wasn't sure.

The tunnel twisted and wound through the earth, like a large serpent. The tunnel was wide at first, but it narrowed. Eventually we came to a section in which the tunnel suddenly twisted into a steep slide. Without hesitation, we jumped through.

The slide-tunnel, as I like to put it, was so long that I spent about two minutes in it, until it slowly evened out and deposited us into a deep underground lake.

I gasped for air, kicking my legs furiously. (I) No, I CANNOT escape giant killer wolves and dragons just to drown in an underground lake. No way is it going to happen. (I)

Somehow, I had found the shore and climbed out, followed by my 'buddies', Grimwolf and Einia. We were in a vast underground cave, with a ceiling so high up that I couldn't see the top, even though there were practically glowworms everywhere.

The cave was also huge in volumn--apparently the lake was at one of its walls, if I can put it that way. I couldn't see how far it extended out.

Oh, and did I mention thay it was damp, but warm?

So apparently we were really deep underground. But how deep?

I decided not to ask that question, because I was aware of all the rock on top of my head. And what if it all came crashing down?

That would be bad.

Real bad.

Ahead of us, a couple dozen wolves milled around, having gotten here first. They varied in fur color, eye color, height, and the way that their body was sculpted.

A wolf strolled over to us.

"Hello!" he said. "My name is Shadowhunter, in case you were wondering."