Subject: So many chapters, so little time!
Posted on: 2023-06-29 13:56:28 UTC

Did Draco actually try to stop the execution?

You'll see in chapter 19!

And I love seeing Harry run to hug Sirius at first sight. Sirius deserved a hug!

Someone on AO3 said this was Sirius' first hug in 13 years and oooooof.

Remus not getting fully mooned this time

Are you so sure about that /gestures to chapter 17

So, Greyback has his own designated colony in this timeline?

Yeah, it's based off of how the Pureblood Culture fics sometimes have the werewolves have separate clans from the mages. There's... an inverse hierarchy in Pureblood Culture fics where magical creatures are more powerful and snobby about lowly humans, so some of the separation from mages thing was imposed by them. Clan Greyback is in Shetland and they sorta run a protection racket against the locals, extorting fish in return for not getting bitten :P There's a bit of a crime syndicate vibe with Clan Greyback because of the current Alpha, but historically it's not always been like that.

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