Subject: Thank you!
Posted on: 2023-07-05 15:45:38 UTC

All I'll say on the matter of real life is: I wanted to write this for a reason. {= |

Re. Madam Pomfrey: Her character in the books seems to me that she's constantly frustrated by all the ways Hogwarts students find to hurt themselves. She can't control what happens outside the Hospital Wing, and she doesn't try—maybe she did at one point, but kids will be kids no matter what. So, she keeps to her own domain and rules it with an iron fist, exercising control where she can.

Here, in addition to kids being kids, she sees all the consequences of kids being deliberately kept in ignorance and is deliberately prevented from doing anything about it besides damage control. She can't be seen trying to interfere, or even expressing an opinion about it, because saying the wrong thing to the wrong person could cost her her job. Sure, she could make a stand on principle because it's the Right Thing To Do, but then she'd be sacked, and she might be replaced with someone who's actually drunk the Koolaid and would shame the kids on top of everything. How would that help?

Jenni is potentially dangerous to her because she's passionate, and passion at that age doesn't always stop to consider the repercussions of Doing The Right Thing. But Jenni has also managed to become a Prefect despite not having the full approval of her society, and while that's partly thanks to Dumbledore's progressive agenda, it's also thanks to Jenni knowing how to toe the line without quite crossing it. Encouraging her is still risky, but the odds of it paying off are pretty good.

Re. Nilly: I'm rather fond of her myself. {= ) I imagine her as the sort of "downstairs person" who is good enough at her job that she gets away with stepping out of "her place" on occasion. If she can best serve Hogwarts and Dumbledore by bending the rules (e.g., making herself seen to students, speaking her mind now and then), then that's what she'll do, and she won't feel bad about it!

Rather fond of the name Caper, too. Thanks! ^_^


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