Subject: ch. 8 reasons doctorlit is running out of number jokes to make in these subject lines
Posted on: 2023-08-21 17:47:35 UTC

The best thing about this chapter was getting to see both Black brothers in the Three Broomsticks with Harry and Lily, supporting Harry and contributing to the discussion. Good for Sirius to be out of Azkaban, but even better that this time, he has his brother with him (and even Kreacher, really!). It’s a level of parental figure support that Harry deserves!

Ugh. I know Skeeter’s whole schtick is not adhering properly to facts, but you’d think she could at least spell words correctly. (Insert joke about wizards flubbing spells here.) If Krum has paid attention to U.S. pop culture at all, he may feel mildly insulted by that typo, and it’s going to get even worse in about twenty-one years . . .

“Balrogs have not got wings,” scoffed Harry.
Not yet, Harry, but pretty soon, you’ll be learning about something called a “fanfiction explosion” . . .

—doctorlit performs a weekly Wonky Faint, assuming that’s a euphemism for a taking a nap on cold concrete in between two work shifts

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