Subject: Yes, that absolutely was lacking in the canon...
Posted on: 2023-07-09 14:43:37 UTC

I sometimes get the feeling that JKR intended the whole "sorting Slytherin" thing as a choice. I mean, Harry did choose not to go to Slytherin, but it's not like everyone else gets a choice in the matter! And then coupled with 3/4ths of the school deciding to isolate the Slytherins as the "evil" house... Slytherins really don't get a chance to be exposed to other ideas and people outside their cloistered Pureblood-supremacist bubble, leading to easy radicalisation and essentially self-fulfilling prophecies.

A lot of fics try to write Good Slytherins, but it often comes with a side of justifying Pureblood supremacy, and that's part of the critique of this deconstruction, too. Slytherins are just as capable of good as the other Houses are capable of evil, but there's no denying that they are very insular and prone to radicalisation because of the Pureblood ideology they're raised with, plus the comparative lack of Muggleborn Slytherins out there. So it's a delicate balancing act, writing a good Slytherin without trying to justify or excuse the ideologies they were raised with!

Thank you for your comment; give me a heads-up when Sergio and co. get to Hogwarts :D

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