Subject: Up top!
Posted on: 2023-08-05 15:49:00 UTC

No worries, I am literally in the process of moving to Taiwan (where Christianne's dad's family hails from, wink wonk) so I know how exhausting chores and stuff can be!

Jacques is a fun teacher! And it was fun figuring out how to get Draco to turn into a ferret in a non-traumatic way :P Things certainly seem nice so far, it'd be such a shame if something were to happen--

Yuanyuan is just a super duper informal nickname for Ryan. If you recall, his Chinese name is Siyuan, so Yuanyuan is a diminutive of the "yuan" part of that. The reduplication nickname in Chinese is also super cutesy/childish, so Qiu and Sue are shocked to hear Professor Liu's professional colleague call him something that only close friends and family members would call him.

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