Subject: ch. 3 entrants in the Triwizard Tournament, exactly that number, absolutely no additions, definitely
Posted on: 2023-07-22 04:10:35 UTC

“They can suck my wand, I’ll do what I like!”

“Blow me,” she taunted, before sending him a very rude hand gesture.

Ah, yes, music to my ears! Well, to my eyes . . . To my mind’s ear. It feels so good hearing all these visitors from other countries dunking on the “modesty rules,” as Moody puts it so vomitoriously. It’s extremely gross that Moody and the other aurors are being used to try to force non-British citizens to conform to these meaningless social practices . . . Cripes, the audacity of telling a stranger how they’re allowed to wear their own hair! And equally audacious is arresting someone for “insubordination and general antisocial behaviour.” Dang people, just criminalize having a personality, why don’t you? I am absolutely livid on Miss Fischer’s behalf. She is absolute peak wholesome valley girl, and I love her. I hope she goes back to the States and beats up some skinheads or something, that should take her mind off the British suck. But yeah, you made Moody gross now, and you also made Amos Diggory gross, and this whole timeline just contains so much gross!

Man, I totally forgot Hermione is uncurling her hair to create her updo . . . I hope she gets to return to her natural hair by adulthood! Either way, rude of those other witches to get all judgmental over it . . . there is far too much hair policing in this chapter!

Okay, wow. Everyone is literally camping in a field together, like, on dirt, natural dirt, public British land that no one owns, but the Pureblood community still thinks they have the right to exclude Muggleborns!?!? Like, “Oh, the dirt our tents are sitting in is so very special and clean, we can’t have the wRoNg KiNd Of FeEt In OuR dIrT.” I can’t stand it, aaaaaargh! Oh, and what a funny coincidence that section of the campground was charmed against both panicked mobs and Fiendfyre, how lucky that the Purebloods have such incredible foresight. :|

Man, I would not have risked bringing any number of peafowl to an outdoor location they weren’t already familiar with. I am 100% certain that every single peafowl in my zoo would get lost and disappear forever in this scenario, down to the last bird, especially with all the human foot traffic. But maybe the Malfoys charmed them not to wander far or something?

Oooooh yeah Lady Crouch is definitely Barty Jr., not much change there! Funny, didn’t the original canon have him hiding under an invisibility cloak or something? Your way is a bit more realistic, and better foreshadowing. Looks like Regulus recognizes Barty Jr.’s speech pattern, but can’t quite place it with the face!

The idea that house-elves see the families they serve as guests is interesting, and goes a long way towards explaining their mindset. Doesn’t justify the situation any further, but it’s honestly the best explanation I’ve heard for the self-imposed servility, and why receiving clothing from the family breaks the relationship the way it does.

Draco’s scowl shone seven times as big within the scope of the Ominoculars.
Oh my, this little mini-Aragog has so very many eyes!

—doctorlit hasn’t thought about hoopoes in years, and thanks you for reminding him they exist! hoo-hoo-hoo

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