Subject: I think your desert is showing there, doc ;)
Posted on: 2023-09-27 01:13:23 UTC

I'm pretty sure Scotland gets a lot more rain than Arizona, so having a swimming pool-sized bathtub that's only for the usage of like... 12 students each year (8 prefects, 4 Quidditch captains) isn't that excessive. Especially since I doubt those kids are regularly using it...

Anyway, yes, that young man is indeed Ali! Skeeter... well, she's a grifter for sure. You'll see about the results of her spying on the convo with Dumbledore very soon.

Immigrants: we get the job done ;)

The twins were blackmailing Bagman in the books, actually! And I did intend the students that Bagman got caught with to be Fred and George, but if you want to think it's actually the Goblins and Rita Skeeter just needs to update her prescription, well, I'm not stopping you ;D

Ginny's not going to pass up a chance to wrassle those Scandinavian ladies!

Portrait Kombat should be a thing in the wizarding world. Just imagine all the betting!

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