Subject: re: ch. 16: Harry Potter and the Brutally Real Conversations About Bigotry
Posted on: 2023-10-13 12:18:02 UTC

Woo, got this posted just before the thread fell off the main page!

HUUUUURRAAAAGH THE CLUES ARE ALL THERE! Millicent had Skeeter in her hands! Why can’t Hogwarts students be normal kids who pay attention to cool bugs??? Also, Skeeter is way more active this year than she was in canon; it’s starting to feel like she’s living on Hogwarts grounds . . . I’m still positive Crouch Jr. is in Crouch Sr.’s shape, but this does make me wonder whether Skeeter is the one sabotaging the tasks for Harry?

I’m really feeling for Harry’s dejection over the state of his culture. The rate of change does feel so slow and frustrating when you’re living inside it. It’s easy to look back over history and see centuries of big, sweeping changes condensed into a single paragraph, but when experiencing a culture day to day, it’s easier to focus on the one step back than on the two steps forward. Harry’s observation that wizardkind “have been separate from the real world” really gets right at the origins of a lot of bigotry, because there has to be a separation to fuel that kind of fear and apathy towards others. And it doesn’t have to be a separation caused by a culture-wide Statute of Secrecy; it can be as mundane as a privileged middle-class family drawing the walls of their suburban cubicle around themselves and proclaiming that everything outside that cubicle isn’t their business, they’re not responsible for anything Outside. How many Roses will there be? Doesn’t matter to them, they’re not looking for Roses, they have their cubicle to maintain.

I had pretty much the same reaction as Hermione when Nilly went from “We’re unionizing” to “because our authority figure told us to.” That is not how we fight the power, Nilly! But two steps forward, one back, right? Also, Hannah’s point about needing the house-elves during parties . . . I hadn’t realized before, but these pureblood families don’t actually throw parties, do they? They attend parties that are thrown in their own home, but it’s the elves who make and serve the food, who decorate the house . . . that doesn’t even feel like hosting a party to me? I’m not sure I’m explaining myself well, just . . . it’s a weirdly passive way to “do party” I guess?

. . . Okay. I’ve never been the biggest fan of Draco Malfoy, but wow was it hard getting through that scene, where he accidentally confessed his sexuality to Harry. I don’t think he really started that conversation intending to, either, it just . . . grew out of the dialogue? And Harry did NOT handle that well at all, man, you’d think he didn’t have gay kids in his very school year, he shouldn’t be THAT surprised! I never thought I would say these words in this order, but, “Harry Potter deserved getting hexed by Draco Malfoy.” I hope Draco makes it through all right, poor kid . . .

“A good family does not need magic to hold itself together.” Lily? You have just sucker-punched me in the gut so hard. I won’t go into the family drama of why, but uh, Yeah. Congratulations, you have just turned a key in my brain, and I think I will hold onto this quote forever!

—there is a beetle on the floor as doctorlit types this, but it is surely a guud beetel frend, right?

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