Subject: He's not Harry if he's not a bit reckless...
Posted on: 2023-10-11 02:57:53 UTC

I mean, when you're taught to view associations with Muggles as betrayals of your society and noncompliant Muggleborns as a fifth column, hate mail to children in the name of preserving the safety of New Avalon seems pretty reasonable :P

I'm glad you like the scene with Rose. Harry was using her as an idealised absentee girlfriend throughout the year and now that he's facing the consequences of that, now felt like the best time for her to actually show up on the page and tell him how she feels about that.

Inheritance-Detecting Blood Tests from Gringotts are a staple of Lord Potter fics. So often with these Harry finds out through a blood test that he's heir to all these other families (usually Black, Peverell, sometimes Gryffindor, sometimes a descendant of Merlin himself) and should be inheriting vast amounts of wealth (that were usually appropriated by Dumbledore because he wanted to -checks notes- manipulate Harry into fighting on the side that's actually oppressing the Purebloods) and powers. So ofc I have to combine it with InfoWars-esque grifting :P

Thanks for catching the missing word!

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