Subject: Warrior Women who aren't Sues? Share your favorites!
Posted on: 2008-07-11 00:33:00 UTC

She's brave. She's graceful. She hasn't got a stitch on.

Many OCs we see shoved awkwardly into fanfic fit this description:

Mary Sue the Warrior is well known for unrealistic clothing, but you'd think that she'd at least cover up enough so that her vital areas aren't exposed in battle. Not so. While Warrior Sue is often armed to the perfect sparkling teeth with swords too heavy and weapons too awkwardly placed to reach, she fails to dress in the kind of outfit that would actually protect her from harm.
Armor and fighter clothes must be practical before they can be aesthetic. Gauntlets are not something you put on because they make you look sexy when you fight. Also, long flowing hair isn't a good idea—it's liable to get caught, pulled, or blown in one's face, obscuring the vision.

Why doesn't her profession come before her perm?

The physical description is just the tip of the iceberg, but since we can all remember instances of more painful canon warping, I thought I'd let you off easy.

The sad thing is, the woman warrior has the potential to be a symbol of power and independence for women. It can possibly break a lot of molds around stereotypes of women. Yet Suethors take the idea and turn it into one big cliche. Even worse, these strong-willed women are usually bashed or warped in fanfiction, which makes them into weeping romantics or violent femme fatales.

Now, considering how much we all love good stories, we must have run into really awesome warrior women in our reading or viewing the canon we love. So, PPCers...let us know how it should be done! (You can name someone from literature/movies/TV, or even a goodfic OC, if there's one to be found. Historical figures, unless they're from historical fiction, don't count.) Pick a non-Sue woman warrior, and show the canon love. I'll post this to the PPC LJ entry after we're done.

I will, of course, contribute myself, but I want to see what you guys come up with.

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