Subject: Hee.
Posted on: 2008-07-13 18:21:00 UTC

It's interesting how Tamora Pierce can write well-rounded characters aimed at mid-teens and young adults, but when she attempted to reach a younger audience with Daine's series she ended up with an illegitimate-and-angsty, animal-speaking, CAF-toting, super-archer, half-immortal, oh-so-pretty, loved-by-all Uber-Sue. (At least Thayet has minimal book time in the Lioness Quartet.) Pierce should have just called Daine "Greek Goddess Artemis 2.0" and been done with it.

Plus, a 16-year-old girl with her 30-year-old tutor? Mmmmm, not exactly my cup of tea.

In my book, Daine's relation with Tortall is kind of like Wesley Crusher's relation with Star Trek. Though another thing that's bothered me as I've aged is the plethora of Generic Locations and Generic Beasts in the former universe.
(It should have a deathmatch with Forgotten Realms.)

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