Subject: OK, I know this is an old thread...
Posted on: 2011-10-29 07:24:00 UTC

... but the character of Sentinel Sarah Lyons from Fallout 3 certainly stands out as an intereting example. She's down to earth, frank (in her own manner) and she's no slouch in a fight (though that full-body suit of T-45 power armour and her decade or so of training certainly helps). Heck, she's even in a position of power - commander of an elite strike force of the Brotherhood of Steel and the second-highest ranking person within her chapter.

Best of all, in my opinion - she may fight alongside you if you are of good heart, but SHE ISN'T A ROMANCE OPTION (sorry for the caps). This was one of the first occasions in my 10 or so years of video-gaming life when I found this cliche broken in a role-playing game.

I'm not sure whether I could cite any particular faults, but one that can stand out is her fool-hardyness - she's generally level-headed, but dangle a crisis in front of her and she'll be filing a request for an asignment instantly to her superiors. This, more often then not, causes her to have to speak with her father (the Eldar of the chapter, no less) and she usually is convinced to stand down.

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