Subject: *nodnod*
Posted on: 2008-07-11 02:14:00 UTC

I'm with you, Sedri--I'm all for female empowerment, but I draw the line when, for example, feminism is almost the only method of literary analysis I hear about in my Lit classes. Sometimes enough is enough.

That said, I can think of one author who consistently writes good, strong, capable, and yet feminine women leads, and that is Sherri S. Tepper. Some of her work is distinctly feminist (The Gate to Women's Country), but most of it (The Family Tree; Grass; Shadow's End) simply has so much going on in the social, religious, scientific, and near-fantastical aspects that you can't help but be sucked in by the sheer complexity of it. I'd recommend her to anybody.

I don't think women need to be macho to be as strong as men. Men and women have different strengths and weaknesses. We need to accept that.

~Neshomeh, who finds really good women leads hard to come by.

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