Subject: Bravo, sir, bravo!
Posted on: 2015-10-08 14:35:00 UTC

This is the most I've laughed in a while. The absurd proportions, completely ridiculous characterizations, and the descriptions—you know, all that talk of plums and pudding and such has made me really hungry. I need chocolate pudding, stat.

... This WAS humorfic, right? You're not actually sincere?

Nah, you can't be. I mean, "Numesy," right? Like he's a Kingsman or something? Pfahahaha. He would've shot the dog in this, too. X D


(( Like I said, laughing my butt off. *g* I don't have a guess at the username, I'm afraid. The best I can do is that "Toison" reminds me of "poisson" and "Oro" is "gold" in Spanish, so I hereby dub the little tosser Goldfish. {= )

~Neshomeh ))

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