Subject: 50 Shades of Tacitus part 2~
Posted on: 2015-10-02 03:17:00 UTC

a/n Thanks for the review!!! I love reviews, everyone should leave a review so I can write faster!! Cookies to all my lovelies--u guys rock!!

On to the next bit! Remember to Rn'R!!

so excited :D :D :D --we get to meet tacitus this time!! are you readyy~?

I arrive at Dives Holdings Enterprises, Inc, and am immediately overwhelmed. I don't belong here--not Gaspard de Grasse with his crooked nose and casual clothes. The guy who greets me at the security desk is buff; he accepts that I'm here instead of the Guardsman and sends me up to the seventh floor.

When I exit the elevator, I'm immediately accosted by a lightly muscled blond young man with an all-American smile. His curly hair is neatly combed; he's wearing a suit.

"You're here to see Mr. Tacitus, aren't you?" he says, and ushers me to a seat. "Here, sit down. May I take your coat?"

"Oh--uh--sure," I say awkwardly, and hand it over. He whisks it away: professional and efficient.

Everything you'll never be, my Monologue says. He's looking at me with deep, dark eyes, black as tar. You could never look like him. You could never even work like him. No wonder you'll never go anywhere.

"Mr. Tacitus will be ready to see you soon," says a young woman. She's also blonde, nearly white-blonde, and she's dressed to the professional nines. "He's just finishing up his current meeting. Alex!"

The blond man from before jumps. "Yes, Charlie?"

"Did you offer Mr. de Grasse anything to drink?"

"Oh--uh--no," Alex stammers. "Uh--Mr. de Grasse, would you like coffee? Tea?"

"Water's fine," I say, and he rushes off to get it.

The blonde--Charlie--smiles at me. She's beautiful. "Sorry about Alex, Mr. de Grasse--he's an intern here."

Alex returns with my water, which he hands over with his eyes lowered; I sip it, and try to ignore how my hands are shaking.

You'll mess it up, you know, says the Monologue. He's sipping tea, perfectly sophisticated in a way that I'm not. You'll make a mess of it.

That doesn't mean I won't try, though, I think. I can't back out--I'm here already, and the Guardsman is counting on me.

Of all times for him to get injured.

"Mr. de Grasse?" Charlie is back with her perfect smile and her long legs. "Mr. Tacitus will see you now."

"Oh--thank you," I say. I put the glass down and get to my feet, straightening my shirt. Slowly, I walk towards the door. Charlie's smile follows me, stays fixed in perfect, professional falseness.

Alex opens the door for me. I try to smile at him, and then take a deep breath and walk through.

I'm completely focused on not making a fool of myself: just get through this interview, go home, give the Guardsman his notes. I can do this.

So, of course, the very first thing I do in Tacitus' trip.


CLIFFIE!! So I may've lied at the beginning--tacitus is going to be *next* chappie, not this one. Sorry!! It ust didn't work itn the end. But I promise he'll be in the next one, and then we an really get this story rolling!!

so I only got one wreview for the last chapter but thats okay, because I didn't post it that long ago. But I want more for this one!! Just remember--reviews are my fuel! You write more, I write more!! And special thanks to my friend Mrssupernumerary for reviewingg and leaving such a nice review for me!!

And reemmber--you can always leave me reviews even on chappies that aren't the latest one!! I love all the reviews I get. And you'll even still get cookies!~

See ya next time! Remember to tell me what you think!!


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