Subject: The Dark Wanderer
Posted on: 2015-10-03 05:36:00 UTC

It has come to my attention that most writers are portraying Middle-earth in far too positive a light, as if its inhabitants actually had enough brain cells to realize that, hey, women are people too! So I'm writing to counteract that, and all of the stupid Sues out there. Hate those things.


Alexia Ravenscroft hated her looks: she was far too pretty, and that was dangerous in Middle-earth. In these lands, beauty was weakness. The oppressive patriarchy that permeated the world from east to west brokered no femininity not in subjection to men. That made Alexia Ravesncroft a target.

So when the opportunity came to join the Fellowship under the guise of a man, she took it gladly and with a grim laugh. "Who shall care if I die?" she had asked her abusive stepfather, Elrond. "Not I! Nor you, old fool!" Then Elrond had slapped her; such was Middle-earth.

Now she was travelling with the Fellowship, or, as she called it, the Patriarchy Personified. There was the Old Patriarch, Gandalf; the Arch Patriarch, Aragorn; the Beta Patriarch, Boromir; and all of the rest were Sub-Patriarchs. None of them would even look at her if they guessed she was female; cursed misogynists. But such was Middle-earth.

During the day she stayed silent and at night she had to listen to them grilling meat and talking around their campfire about how stupid and silly and horrible women were. All the while she burned with anger and the knowledge that if she could just use her Powers, she could wipe them all out.

Worst of all were thoughts of her stepsister, Arwen. Arwen was the pretty perfect princess of Middle-earth-- she represented what women were to the patriarchy. Pretty, pretty stupid, and worthless for anything other than her looks. Elrond loved her (said he loved her, more like) and was always telling Alekia that she "should be more like Arwen" or "why can't you be more like Arwen?" or "you could learn from Arwen."

All in all, Alexia had a horrid life, and it was all because of the patriarchy.


Reviews, people! Just plain good writing doesn't keep the lights on! :P

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