Subject: Career Evolution Chapter One
Posted on: 2015-10-07 04:07:00 UTC

((OOC: Everything in the author's note except for half of the last sentence is true.))
AN: Hello, all! So, back in the dark days of high school, I read two pretty good stories with a similar "half-human hybrid kids get in trouble and/or go on adventures" deal: James Patterson's Maximum Ride books (Angel OP, plz nerf) and antialiasis' very awesome and equally dark Morphic. (It's the second entry under "chaptered".) Morphic in particular inspired me to create twelve different human-Pokémon hybrid characters. The story I originally wanted to write for them--a mildly epic child-soldier drama set on the Sevii Islands--never got past two different versions of chapter one, so I've farmed them out to various branches of the PPC! Hopefully this works better for them than the other thing. Enjoy and please review!

Chapter One: Kylie and James
Somewhere in Medical...

Nurse-in-training Kylie handed a scalpel and a set of plastic gloves to Nurse Marian McKay. "You were looking for these, right?" she asked.

"These'll do. Thanks, newbie," said Marian, setting the scalpel down to put the gloves on. "Have you finished organizing the World One pain medications yet?"

Kylie scratched the back of her neck. "James is taking care of that...I think."

"Go check," Marian ordered. She picked up the scalpel and marched off toward whoever had gotten him/her/their/xirself badly wounded this time.

Kylie shrugged sadly and headed back the way she'd come. When she got to the storage room, she saw James chatting with a blonde and brown-eyed nurse.

"...And check this out," he said. He raised his arms in front of him in an X. The sharp leaves sticking out of his wrists began to glow green, then merged into a longer one. "Leaf Blade!" He ran forward a few steps and sliced the air samurai-style. "Oh, hey, Kylie. Nurse Lillian here wanted to see what all we can do."

"I don't think we've ever had human-Pokémon hybrids working here," said Lillian. "Are you all reforming Sues and Stus?"

", ma'am," said Kylie nervously. "At least, I hope we're not. To be honest, I barely remember any of my former life at all." She felt her back warming up. Calm down; she's not a scientist, not really she told herself. You're safe now. No one's going to make you fight or run mazes.

James stood up and made an annoyed sound. "We're semi-fic blips with half an edgy backstory each. We may be screwed up, but we're not thatscrewed up."

"No, I suppose not," Lillian admitted. "I'll be sure to arrange full examinations for all twelve of you. My specialties are really Wraiths and Middle-Earth species, but I've never examined a Pokémon-verse agent before. I can't pass up this scientific opportunity! I heard one girl can see the future, is that true?"

Kylie's back got warmer. "Yes, ma'am, that'd be Cassie."

"Short for Cassandra. Of course." Lillian rolled her eyes. "Well, you two have a job that needs doing, yes? Then do it. I'll see you around!"

James frowned as she retreated. "I don't think I trust her. I don't want her poking around with us."

"She's a doctor, we'll be fine," said Kylie.

"So were the whack-jobs who created us, and look how that turned out. ...Wait. Bad example."

Kylie undid and redid her cornflower-blue ponytail. "Please, let's just finish working, all right? The sooner we get done, the sooner we can go find Neil or Cassie or Aria. I wonder how they're all doing?"

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