Subject: The Inner-Space Warp: Ch.4 Setting Forth
Posted on: 2015-10-02 18:49:00 UTC

AN: Thanx for your reveiw, HmmsGrbrd. Glad you liked it. And veryone elde who didn't leave a review, you're just flamers. Yo're the wrst kind of flamers, cos you don't even have the courage tro post your flames. You just keep them secret, and that's sneaky. Anywzy, the PC is owned by James and Architeuthis who created them.


"I'm not a traitor," stated Vimto for the 81st time that day.

"And why should we believe you," sneered the Marquis du Sod. "After all, you murdered the Nameless Nobody."

"It was self-defense!" yelled Vimto. "And it wasn't the Nameless Nobody, it was the Enigmatic Everyman."

"So who killed the Nameless Nobody?" asked the Sunflower Official.

"That was my partner, Agent Electromagnetic Wave of 640THz."

"Was that really his nmae?" asked the Quuen Anne's Lace.

"Yes, he was a Hooloovoo. They have names like that."

"So," snapped the Maruis du Sod, trying go get this conversation bak on track, "you're saying that he was the traitor?"

"No, he only killed him because he had been brainwashed by the Anonymous Anyone."

"Who had been brainwashed?" asked Queen Anne, who was visiting HQ to see her Lace. "Your partner, or the Nameless Nobody?

"Perhaps she'll tell the truth quicker if I whip her," said Luxury.

"No whipping her!" stated the S.O.

"Oh, then maybe can she whip me instead?" Luxury held out the whip towards Vimto.

"No-one is whipping anyone unless I say so!"

"Even if they do say Jehovah," muttered Vimto sarcasticly.

Joan Martens sat at the edge of the Boardroom, listening to the discussion, and not followng most of it. For the first time since joining OFUP, she wished she'd payed attention in the History classes.

She sighed. When were they going to get to the bit about the slash waith incubation farms? Not only would that be important to her special assignment, but it sounded a lot more fun than all this bickering.

Finally, however, everyone managed to come to an agreement. Vimto's alleged treason was apparently all the Inexplicable Individual's fault; although none of them could explain why.

With that out of the way, Vimto explained that after she had fled from the PPC, she had been been hidig in various Word Worlds. One of them, was Gulliver's Luggnagg but in the modern day.

"I just portalled to it in Gulliver's time, and used the Fic Location Follower to jumpo forward to the present. I knew I'd be safe there, since although there are stories with a modern Lilliput, and even modern Laputa, nobody writes modern Luggnagg, whICH is a shame when you think about it, cos it's got such an interesting gimmick."

She'd been there about three weeks when she overheard someone say "PPC" in a cafe-bar. At firest sho thought it was someone come to arrest her, but when she turned round, she saw it was just two people talking. Listening, she heard that they were discussinmg recruiting peopleto help with the attack on HQ.

Once her story was complete, the S.O. stated, "Student Martens, do you understand what you have to do.?"

"I think so. I have to go to this Luggage place, read a lot of slash in cybercafes and on my cellphone, and even post it, until someone contacts me. Then I go with them, learn what they're up to, and phone you to let you know. Right?"

"Well, that's close enough, I suppose" said the Marquis de Sod. His voice slowly became even more bitter and resentful as he continued, "If you mange that without screwing up, we'll give you Permission right away. You won't even need to finish the rest of the OFUP course."

"Thank you."

The portal opened up. Joan picked up her bag, and stepped into it.

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